1. Quaker Pond Trail (at Mendon Ponds Park) hiked June 15, 2008.
2. The trail at Tinker Nature Park hiked July 12, 2008.
3. The Johnny Reb Trail at Gettysburg Battlefield hiked August 11, 2008.
4. Trail up Big Round Top at Gettysburg National Military Park hiked August 11, 2008.
5. Wilson Trail at Sapsucker Woods (Ithaca NY) hiked August 18, 2008.
6. Mundy Wildflower Trail at Cornell Plantations (Ithaca NY) hiked August 18, 2008.
7. Buckeye Trail at Headlands Dunes State Nature Preserve (northeast Ohio) hiked August 24, 2008).
8. Trail at Bergen Swamp (western NY) hiked July 7, 2009.
9. Cleveland Downtown Historic Greenway (Cleveland, TN) hiked August of 2009.
10. Wildcat Trail (Bayou Segnette State Park, LA) hiked August of 2009.
11. West-We-Go Trail (Bayou Segnette State Park, LA) hiked August of 2009.
What about the Big Round Top trail, the one where blood was shed? That should count, too.
Thanks for reminding me, Jean. I didn't have a picture of that one on our camera, so I need to download the pics from Annie's to get one. Really should do that before I forget entirely.
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